We had these for dessert tonight. Need I say more? They were so awesomely delicious! The recipe can be found here.
Now I'm searching for the perfect pumpkin soup recipe. Anyone know of one? Pretty pretty please?
Happy Fall Y'all, Rissa
a lovely little blog about a girl who knits
We had these for dessert tonight. Need I say more? They were so awesomely delicious! The recipe can be found here.
Now I'm searching for the perfect pumpkin soup recipe. Anyone know of one? Pretty pretty please?
Happy Fall Y'all, Rissa
View the "buy it now" button over on the right side of my blog. Of course there is free shipping as I will be emailing you the e-pattern. It can't get much easier than that, can it?
xoxo, 'rissa
I also started a new pair of socks this week. It's getting chilly here and I'm longing for my wool socks more and more. I need to drag them all out and get them cleaned for the new season.
Yummy kelly green wool socks! I was considering putting in a navy heel and toe, but decided against it at the last minute. I can't wait till these are done so they can warm my toesies.
Here is the wool hat I recently made for my husband. It's a charcoal color, it's cloudy these days and hard to take good photo's. It's soft, fits well and he loves it, so that's good! If you'd like to knit your own, It's an "I live on a farm" pattern.
This is cascade 220 yarn, and I believe I used a size 6 needle. Check your gauge on this project!
One last photo! My LYS is carrying Debbie Bliss now! Yay! This is what a picked up this week.
Such delightful colors! I intend to knit a sweet little dress with this. It's on my "to do list."
My daughter was a cheerleader in her first game tonight. I will write about that later!
xoxo, 'Rissa
On the left, the white is an organic cotton by Blue Sky Alpaca's. Can we say yum, yum! I'm not a fan of knitting with cotton, but this is so soft!
The oatmeal and navy heather are both Cascade wool. I love working with wool! I intend to knit myself a pair of wooly socks with this navy yarn.
I am finally working on my Raggedy Cabin Blog, so if you like primitive things, please check it out. You never now what I might write about. *Ü*
xoxo, 'Rissa
We have almost 5 weeks of summer left, I wonder how much more we can do. The time is flying by and next fall, my baby will be going to Kindergarten. (sniff, sniff)
Till next time,
xoxo, Marissa
I had a really fun romp in the yarn shoppe this week and came home with some great colors. I just love this heather blue (view Alex below,) and got hunter green. I can't wait for all the Autumn colors to come out. I'm already thinking pumpkins! I know... I'm pumpkin crazy.
This is Alex.
My first attempt at a lace pattern! Yeah, it was fun, can't wait to do another!
And this is Sophie.
I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
You can find these cuties in my sweet little shoppe!
xoxo, 'Rissa
There were yarn guidelines so I had to knit it with acrylic. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a natural kind of girl. It's super soft though, and I hope some little girl out there has a warm noggin wearing this hat.
I plan do make the same amount of boys and girls items, so I suppose my next item will be for a boy. I do love pink though. ;o)
xoxo, Marissa
This is Patches, our 21 month old male cat. He's such a sweetheart. He's trying to keep me from making the bed.
What a rascal!
Ok, the bed is made, but he's still on it...
xoxo, Marissa
I have 2 items completed and ready for the next update, but hope to have a few more done by then. My next bunny is wearing a lavender dress *Ü*
Speaking of Etsy, my CPLG (Country & Primitive Ladies Group) group is now listing there! Type in our group letters CPLG to see some of our handmade crafty goodness.
I've decided I want to knit for The Preemie Project here in Iowa. My LYS is an official drop off spot. I've printed off a couple hat/bonnet patterns and hope to get started tomorrow. My goal is to knit 3 things a month, then donate everything this fall. I've decided to drop it off then, because I ♥ Fall and thought it would be silly to drop off pumpkin hats in the Spring.
Before I forget, I was given my first blog award! It was given to me by a good friend of mine, Janna of Country Creek Creations. I've known her for nearly 4 years and she is such a sweetheart!
You Make my Day
Now the rules for the “You Make My Day” award are to re-present it to those whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.I award the "You Make My Day" award to:
Carmen: who makes the cutest little Annie graphics. I've lost count of how many signature tags I have of her's. She's so very sweet, and I love chatting with her over on PrimMart.
Janna: who has been known to stay up late with me on the phone. She makes the cutest rooster and chicken items that I have all over my home. *Ü* She's sweet and funny, kind and a very good friend. Luv ya!!
Sherry: who is so unbelievably creative. She should be an inspirational speaker... really! I love her sweet dollies.
Dana: A very talented artist, and an awesome mom to 7. She's a good friend too.
Till next time,
xoxo Marissa
I have two more dollies that will be done this weekend.
xoxo, Marissa
I took the picture after I filled it up, so it looks a little lumpy. I *love* how the colors turned out and was so surprised when I pulled it out of the washer that the felting really did work!
Look what came in the mail!
I simply could not resist this Japanese fabric from Purl Soho. It is so nice, I don't want to cut into it. *Ü*
These two are my favorites. The photography is breathtaking. I would *love* to have my home decorated like the pages of these books.
Some cupcakes and cookies... Yum Yum!
I have some ideas for new dolls running around in my head. I'll be working on those this week so check back for an update.
xoxo, Marissa
I've decided to make another with more "summer-y" colors.
I'll show you all when the feltings done.*Ü*
xoxo, Marissa
Here is one almost finished, I just have the toe to do. My 2nd sock was knitted on aluminum needles, I discovered during this project that I prefer aluminum needles for knitting in the round.
This is the last photo. Would you believe I don't have one yet of the finished sock? After class, I had just one sock done. I was so excited I came home, had lunch then finished the second one and wore them that day. I'm still shocked that I was able to replicate the kitchener stitch on my own after coming home.
Now that I have a warm n fuzzy pair of pink socks to wear, I'm casting on the booga bag tomorrow. I'm so excited (I get excited easily, don't I?) about this new project. It will be my first felted item! If I know me, once I get started, I won't be able to stop till it's done... so check back in a few days to see my new bag!
xoxo, Rissa (as my friends in CPLG like to call me)
I can't believe 2007 has passed so quickly! Here's to another awesome year.
So much has happened since my last posting. My sweet dh and I celebrated our 11th anniversary! Woo hoo! We had a quite Thanksgiving at home. Between him and I, we managed to pull it off. We roasted our turkey inside this year as it was snowing outside. We usually like to deep fry it, but I was too afraid of the hot grease exploding if any snow fell into it. (Just call me worry-wart)
My computer had a hard drive failure in early December that sort of took me off the map. I'm back though, and gearing up for another year of crafting!
I pulled out my knitting needles and decided to knit the holiday stress away. It worked. I made a teddy bear. Me, a teddy bear, can you believe it? She is wearing pink over-alls. I'll take pics later. *Ü* I purchased the pattern at Fuzzy Mitten. Easy to follow, love it!!! I'll be working on the bunny next. (as soon as I can sneak off to the yarn shoppe!)
I've signed up for a sock knitting class that starts on Jan. 12th. Try as I might, I mess up at the heel every time. Plus I need another excuse to go to the LYS (Local Yarn Shoppe) to knit (kid free) with a group of wonderful ladies.
We had a wonderful time in Texas for Christmas. We were only there for a few short days and tried to visit as much of our family as possible. I came home with bags of fabric and crafty supplies. I'm so excited! woo hoo! My dh even took me to Michaels (we don't have one here) I finally got to walk down the "Martha Stewart" aisle. It was as nice as I imagined. Ü
Books I bought with Christmas Money
Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair This is such a cute book! Once I picked it up, I had a really hard time doing anything else till I finished it.
Last Minute Knitted Gifts
Holiday Knits
What an awesome Christmas!
Till next time, (and hopefully I will be able to post pics then!)
Warm (Brrrr! It's 2 degrees here) Rosey Hugs,