Saturday, March 29, 2008

Late night chatter

Wow, I've been busy lately. I took the plunge and opened my little knit shop over on Etsy. This is something I've been planning to do for quite a while now. I'll update it twice a month with knitted toys and other goodies. I had an "aha" moment while soaking in the tub tonight and can't wait to get started on my idea. Here is my first item listed in the shop. She's already found her new home, (thanks so much!)

I have 2 items completed and ready for the next update, but hope to have a few more done by then. My next bunny is wearing a lavender dress *Ü*

Speaking of Etsy, my CPLG (Country & Primitive Ladies Group) group is now listing there! Type in our group letters CPLG to see some of our handmade crafty goodness.

I've decided I want to knit for The Preemie Project here in Iowa. My LYS is an official drop off spot. I've printed off a couple hat/bonnet patterns and hope to get started tomorrow. My goal is to knit 3 things a month, then donate everything this fall. I've decided to drop it off then, because I ♥ Fall and thought it would be silly to drop off pumpkin hats in the Spring.

Before I forget, I was given my first blog award! It was given to me by a good friend of mine, Janna of Country Creek Creations. I've known her for nearly 4 years and she is such a sweetheart!

You Make my Day

Now the rules for the “You Make My Day” award are to re-present it to those whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.I award the "You Make My Day" award to:

Carmen: who makes the cutest little Annie graphics. I've lost count of how many signature tags I have of her's. She's so very sweet, and I love chatting with her over on PrimMart.

Janna: who has been known to stay up late with me on the phone. She makes the cutest rooster and chicken items that I have all over my home. *Ü* She's sweet and funny, kind and a very good friend. Luv ya!!

Sherry: who is so unbelievably creative. She should be an inspirational speaker... really! I love her sweet dollies.

Dana: A very talented artist, and an awesome mom to 7. She's a good friend too.

Till next time,

xoxo Marissa


Anonymous said...

Hi Rissa~
I am so happy to see you blogging again. It is such a committment to get on here on a regular basis huh?

Thank you for all the sweet things you said & the AWARD too. :) Hugs to you!

Cant wait to see all the goodies you knit up for your shop & the drop off. :) When my Travis was born they gave him a little punkin hat in NICU. It was so darn cute! It meant the world to me. I know that the hospital & the mommmies will appreciate all your work & love that you put into them. :)

Thanks again for being such a great friend. Even though we have never met face to face I consider you one of my dearest friends.

Have a wonderful day!

shweetpotato said...

Ohhhhh How sweet :D omgosh I dont know if I have 5 people to give it to hehe.. YOU of course will get it right back :D Ill try to get it up ASAP thankyou SO much :D yayyy