It's been a while... I know. A long while actually, and I sincerely apologize for that. 2009 was a really strange year for us. So happy to see 2010! It's going to be a good year, I can feel it.
So this is what I've been up to the last month. Snuggling, kissing, nursing, changing and bathing this sweet little thing my dh and I named Gabriel. Isn't he just the cutest little monkey? It's been 6 years since we've had a baby in the house and man is it great!

He weighed 8lbs 9 ozs and was 21 1/2 inches long. I promise this won't become a baby blog, but I can't resist to post a pic from time to time.

I wanted to end this with my thoughts on crafting for this new year. I have been knitting, but will be fairly quite till around Easter time. We are house hunting and hope to close late Feb. early March. I've had some ideas for my own knitting patterns for a while now but have been too scared to actually write them up and experiment.
This is my favorite handknit bunny from 2009. Wish I had kept this one!

Here's to a great 2010! ♥ Marissa